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  • 10000亿黑臭水治理市场背后的“忧愁”
  • 本站编辑:浙江金鸣环境科技有限公司发布日期:2019-10-07 12:38 浏览次数:


The treatment of black and odorous water body is one of the seven key points in the battle of pollution prevention and control in 2019. It is also the top task of water control.


A previous investigation by the Ministry of environmental protection found that more than 80% of the urban rivers in China were polluted, and there were many seasonal and perennial water bodies.


In 2018, the central organization reform established the Ministry of ecology and environment, and opened up the unified supervision of water management on the ground and underground, Kishi Kami and water, land and sea, urban and rural areas.


According to the investigation results released by the Ministry of ecology and environment in early July 2019, the elimination ratio of black and odorous water in 77 cities in the whole country was less than 81.25%.

重塑长制久清 管网是个“老大难”

Rebuilding long-term pigging network is a big problem.



The specific regulation situation is that the number of black and odorous water bodies in 259 prefecture-level cities is close to 1800, with the elimination rate reaching 71.58%. Among them, the number of black and odorous water bodies in the 98 cities of the Yangtze River economic belt is 1048, and the elimination ratio is 74.4%.


To complete the mission, according to incomplete statistics, 95% of the 1062 black and odorous water bodies of 36 key cities were eliminated or basically eliminated by the end of 2018. The direct impact on the market is that the investment for the remediation of the black and odorous water is far more than 110 billion yuan.


Even so, there is still a gap between the target of "black and odorous water remediation in local key cities" reaching more than 90% in 2020. According to the public information, the unbalanced and uncoordinated treatment of black and odorous water body is still prominent, and the task of treatment is very arduous.


It is true that some local cities and towns and industrial environment infrastructure owe more, water ecological damage is more common in the basin, and the situation of water pollution prevention and control is still grim. "In some places, temporary floods are used to scour and silt, and medicines are sprayed to prevent water from being cured."


Especially after 1~2, black odor has rebounded, especially the phenomenon of black and stink rebound on rainy days in southern cities. At present, the difficulty in the management of black and odorous water bodies is the problem of direct discharge of municipal sewage and garbage.


Take the pipe network problem as an example, the silt and garbage accumulated in the rainwater pipeline enter the river with the rainwater. Secondly, because the history of pipeline network construction is much more than that of the combined network, the overflow pollution is often occurred in the rainy days.


The treatment of black and odorous water body is more meticulous, and the effect should be achieved by meticulous management. In this regard, the first implementation plan of the water related tough battle, the implementation plan of urban black and odour water treatment, further clarified the technical line and management engineering requirements, that is, "control of source interception, internal control, ecological restoration, and quality assurance of live water".


This also means that the treatment of black and odorous water body not only pays attention to taking engineering measures, reducing pollution into rivers, strengthening pollution control, but also pays attention to source control, and intensifies ecological restoration efforts.

要补上万亿元缺口 盈利路漫漫

It's a long way to make up for the trillion yuan gap.


In addition to easy rebound after treatment and sewage treatment facilities, the first round of black and odorous water treatment "Dakao" found another difficult problem, is the huge demand for funds.


Urban black and odorous water remediation is mainly based on environmental benefits and social benefits. The income of social capital is hard to achieve directly, and there is a lack of support policies to attract social capital participation.


At the same time, the treatment of black and odorous water is a purely government-paid PPP project. Under the background of fiscal revenue reduction and debt risk reduction by local governments, it will be negatively controlled financially. It is far from enough to rely solely on local financial investment.


Challenges are also opportunities. The above difficulties mean that there is still a certain investment demand for black and odorous water. In order to urge the completion of the management task as soon as possible, the central finance has set up an incentive and restraint mechanism to support some key cities in batches.


At present, as far as sewage network is concerned, the investment gap is close to 100 billion. If combined with the upgrading of sewage treatment plants and comprehensive river regulation, the total investment in the treatment of black and odorous water will far exceed the above values.


That is, how to turn potential capacity into real demand will be the key to leveraging this trillion-level market.


Remediation of black and odorous water bodies is a win-win combination of economy, society and environment. It is also a powerful focus for promoting urban transformation and development.


If we are trying to combine the black odor water treatment with the development of the surrounding area, the third party investment will be responsible for the development of the surrounding land. When the negative assets turn into positive assets, it can be directly used to feed back the black and odorous water treatment projects.


In the future, black and sour water will be launched in various cities throughout the country. The Ministry of ecology and environment will focus on the Yangtze River economic belt and the surrounding areas, and comprehensively promote the treatment of black and odorous water bodies.


At the same time, on the basis of national special actions, local governments will be urged to carry out provincial special actions for the treatment of black and odorous water bodies. At the first level, provincial governments will focus on Prefecture-level cities. This "water control war" will be accelerated in the next year.





