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  • 太阳能污水处理设备的工艺特点
  • 本站编辑:浙江金鸣环境科技有限公司发布日期:2019-06-07 10:47 浏览次数:440
(1) 该村镇排放污水具有一定的间歇性,水质、水量的不稳定性,需进行一定调节稳定措施。
(2) 污水处理采用工艺必须稳定可靠,处理效果好,运行费用合理,管理维护方便,减少人为因素对处理效果的影响。

Through the above analysis of the water quality and water quantity characteristics of rural villages and towns, the comparison of treatment technology and economy, and the requirements of discharge standards, the design has the following characteristics:
(1) The discharge of sewage from the village and town has a certain degree of intermittent, unstable water quality and water quantity, and certain adjustment and stabilization measures are required.
(2) The treatment process must be stable and reliable, the treatment effect is good, the operation cost is reasonable, the management and maintenance is convenient, and the influence of human factors on the treatment effect is reduced.
(3) The sewage treatment at each household sewage point in the village should be concentrated as much as possible, improve efficiency, avoid decentralized treatment, increase costs and operating management costs. If the pipe network increases its input, it can appropriately increase the treatment points.
Sewage discharge contains many organic matter, high concentration and large suspended material content, sewage B/C = 0.30 to 0.50, and has good biochemical properties. At the same time, the water quality requirement is higher in this project.
Therefore, from the perspective of moderate scale of investment, stable and reliable treatment, convenient management and maintenance, and reasonable operating costs, we have combined practical experience in this type of sewage treatment project with specific solar microdynamic treatment processes.


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